Make a donation to Southern Christian Services for Children and Youth, Inc. and receive a tax credit. Individuals and Businesses must have their contribution(s) certified by completing the appropriate application below and sending it to the Department for review. Instructions are included in the applications. Within 30 days of receipt, Mississippi Department of Revenue (MSDOR) will send notification of allocation. Send verification of the contribution to the MSDOR. Verification must be received within 60 days of receipt of notification of allocation.
Attention*** There are still available tax credits under the ETHO for individual and business applications. Under the ETHO (Eligible Transitional Home Organization) tax credits, you can do the following: claim a maximum of 50% of your Mississippi income tax liability, claim 50% of Ad Valorem tax liability on real property, and any contributions that exceed these limits can be carried forward for up to 5 years.
You can access the online application by:
1). Clicking on the "2024 Application for Allocation"
2). Under the Apply Online section click on “Apply for a Charitable Contribution Credit” link