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The board of directors is comprised of community leaders tasked with the duty of steering the organization toward advancing its mission. Each director dedicates his/her prayers, presence, gifts and services to Southern Christian Services for Children and Youth, Inc. allowing Christ's love to be shared with hundreds of Mississippians. 


Mr. George C. Nicols

 Vice Chair

Mr. Ralph Clark


Dr. Amanda Nicols


 Mr. Andrew Comans

Immediate Past Chair

Mr. Scott Rives


Mrs. Ruth Powell Hobbs

Rev. Dr. Mark Benson

Mrs. Karen Carlisle

Mrs. Jamie Christian

Mr. David Ellis

Mr. Drew Fountain

Mrs. Tori Heard

Mr. Chris Lamb

Mrs. Lorie McLeod

Mrs. Laura McMahon

Mr. Tommy McMillin

Mrs. Reagan Peets

Ms. Mia Pollman

Dr. Sara Porter

Mr. Steve Simmons

Mr. Felix Walker

Mrs. Beth Zito

© 2023 Southern Christian Services For Children and Youth, Inc.

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